Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I found Superman sitting on a curb in Barcelona

Sections of a larger picture I did last year...

And there she goes with a banjo under her arm...

I am writing and illustrating a children's book at the moment. Here are the two main characters:

this character is based on my cousin, Josh, who is the same kid in the Overhead, the Albatross EP artwork.

this character is based on my Granny.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Overhead, The Albatross

On another bird-related topic, I was asked to design an EP cover for a band called Overhead, The Albatross. They make lovely music and I enjoyed making art to it.

I know where the birds sleep

Yes, I found out where birds sleep. While walking through the Liberties on my way to college, I looked up and saw a very crowded tiny roof lined with sleeping birds. It warmed my heart that they all picked one roof out of about 10 attached roofs. Roofs or rooves? I had to look up 'roof' in the dictionary there to check it was an actual word as it occurred to me that it sounds very strange. roof.